Empower Voice Dinner

Wednesday August 1st 2018

Voice Lawyers is turning one and we are celebrating by giving the gift!

The gift of a voice to those most in need.

This is an evening to share the philanthropic vision of Voice Lawyers and raise funds in support of CatholicCare's HOPE Program and Caritas Australia. 

The HOPE Program

CatholicCare's HOPE Program provides early intervention services to vulnerable mothers between the ages of 16-25 years who have seriously complex needs and are pregnant or have a child under the age of two.

The young women who enter the prgoram are often born into an unfortunate cycle of intergenerational disadvantage. They come from backgrounds of abuse, domestic violence, poverty, homelessness and addictions. Many of the young mums also come without any items to take care of themselves, their baby or basic needs for setting up a home. They often have no family support and no one to turn to.

The HOPE in a Box program provides essential needs so young mothers can start off on the right foot and help break the cycle of disadvantage.

Will you give young families the HOPE they so desperately need?

Donate Now

About Voice Lawyers

Committed to making a difference; helping others find their Voice; empowering for positive change.

The fundraising work of Voice is about empowerment; providing hope where it has been lost; providing people and especially women with a Voice. We are advocates for social change and justice. Through our efforts to combat domestic violence and break cycles of poverty and generational abuse we hope to facilitate change for individuals and in so doing their families and communities.

We believe that if you improve your communication you will improve your life.

Your Details

Postal Address

Payment Method

Credit CardCredit Card
Total amount

*The HOPE in a Box items represent the general needs of clients of the HOPE program. CatholicCare Sydney reserves the right to change items in line with the individual needs of each client.

Privacy - By pledging to purchase HOPE in a Box you consent for your data to be collected by CatholicCare Sydney. For further information on how CatholicCare Sydney collects, stores and uses your data please visit catholiccare.org.